Connecting with Mother Nature

We are running faster and faster to gather more and more material goods. Stuff – newer gadgets, faster electronics, cars, houses, you name it. We exercise, eat healthy, drink clean water, even meditate to achieve better health, but there is something missing in the equation. Something very important. Connection with something which is part of us and we are part of it. We are entwined, together.

Earth gave us life; we are part of the nature. Earth is part of the Universe and we cannot deny that all atoms in us were at some point part of a star, cosmic dust, or something what was at the Beginning.

And now it is time for us to remember that finding balance in our life  is linked with finding a connection with nature; the link between what is outside and inside of us.

I would like to invite you to participate in guided meditation Connect with Mother Nature which will take place in Springbank park near the Rose Garden here in London, Ontario. Every Saturday, weather permitting, starting on May 23rd at 10 am till it will be too cold to continue.
