As a Reiki Master, Regression specialist, and consulting hypnotist I can work with you on any aspect of your Journey.
One on one, individual sessions are available in person or online via Zoom or Skype.
Energy work
- Reiki energy healing
- Reiki Drumming/ Sound healing
- Reiki session on distance
- Therapeutic Touch
Spiritual Regression
- Past Life Recall (using Past Life Regression technique)
- Your Soul Journey
- Meeting Your Spirit Guides/ Higher Self
- Healing Your Inner Child
- Abundance and Blessings on the way – changing your inner-talk habit
- A heart-to-heart talk with your unborn child – for expecting mothers
- Reconnecting with your child’s Higher Self after a complicated delivery
- Saying Goodbye to your loved ones who pasted away – having a closure
Trans work

PLR session online. (Image with client’s permission)
- DreamWork – exploring the meaning of your dream
- Accept yourself
- Improve your self-image
- Build self-esteem
- Gain self-motivation
- Discover your hidden potential
- Focus on your goal now
Love your life
- Re-energize your body
- Achieve better quality of sleep
- A trip to the magical island – just feel better, unwind
- Memories retrieval about misplaced items
Learn how to do it yourself:
- Meditation
- Relaxation
- Stress Management
Our small group sessions:
- A Journey into your inner wisdom – Five class series
- Your Spiritual Journey through Past Life Exploration
- Self-Discovery
- Guided Meditation “Connect with Mother Nature”
Small group workshops:
- The Lioness Within – a journey into your inner power, two part workshop
Please let me know, if you would like me to facilitate a group session for you, here in London or surroundings. There has to be five participants minimum in the class.