Tag Archives: mind

Connecting with interesting people

A week ago I went on an exhilarating adventure of sharing my knowledge about our inner Journey at the Spiritual Expo in London, Ontario. It was my first time at the Expo as a speaker and vendor.

My presentation was about a phenomenon of the past life regression. It was so heartwarming to see how many people came to listen and participate in a short session. After the session there was still time for a discussion. Some people Continue reading


When we look around, the concept of balance is everywhere.

In fact it drives the Universe. Life on Earth depends on a very precisely balanced distance of our planet from the Sun. The water cycle on Earth is another example of balance necessary for life to exist. The well-being of all species, including humans, depends on a delicate balance in our natural environment.

What about our inner environment?

There is a well known rule that what happens in macrocosms can also be found in microcosms.  If the imbalance in our outer environment can be unhealthy for us, then how can we ignore the same occurrence in our inner one? Continue reading